Tips for teachers on engaging young learners in English

Storytelling to engage Young Learners in English Lessons

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As long as there have been humans, stories have been told. It is among the best methods for sharing experiences and ideas with another person. It provides context, meaning, and insight into one’s world. 

Early childhood education emphasizes the importance of stories because it provides students information, knowledge, and truth to life. A successful teaching method to follow, especially when teaching English can be storytelling. 

Majority of young students love listening to stories. Stories can take young listeners into a world of imagination and paint a vivid picture with several intriguing characters.

Stories have emerged as an interesting medium for providing a natural, engaging context for language learning. However, we can accomplish much more than just teaching children English through stories. We are fostering their imagination and empathy, learning about various cultures, and imparting knowledge of the global community.

Additionally, a variety of linguistic, psychological, cognitive, social, and cultural abilities are developed through story listening and participation. Teachers can make their classrooms more engaging and interesting by including storytelling in their English classes. It will help students enhance their comprehension, vocabulary, and sentence structure. 

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Tips for teachers on engaging young learners in English classrooms through storytelling: 

1. Generate interest during storytelling:

The storyteller should be full of enthusiasm as voice tone plays a major role in telling the story. Correct voice tone brings excitement and captures the attention of students. It will enhance the listening skill of the students.

2. Proper use of body language:

Body expression also plays a significant role in storytelling. It increases the attention and interest of the listener. Body gestures and the use of hands grasp the attention of the listener. It also makes students understand how to use body language when they are speaking with others. It will boost their confidence while speaking.

3. Dramatic emphasis on voice: 

Various sound effects can add value to storytelling. Pronouncing the words with the correct voice will help students understand different phonics and vocal voices. They will learn the sound of every word, how it is different and should be pronounced in different ways.

4. Sequencing while storytelling:

Remember that as a storyteller, the story parts or events should be in the correct sequence. The sequence and flow of the story should be correct from beginning to end. It will help students understand the importance of forming sentence structures in the correct order. Otherwise, the meaning is simply lost.

5. Make the connection to the story:

Storytelling is one of the best ways to introduce students to various situations and realities. While the story asks students to make the connection and reflect on the characters and different situations, it also enhances their imagination and creativity.

6. Use of props:

The use of props or objects enhances the storytelling experience. It provides the story a reality and strengthens the connection between the story and the listener. Through this students will learn the size, color, name, or shape of the different objects or props.

7. Learn new words and phrases:

Introducing new words or phrases is easy through stories. Events or situations in the story will give context to the students. It will be easy for students to learn and understand the meaning of new words.

All these tips can enhance your art of storytelling and help impart different language skills to students. It also helps provide a deeper understanding of the English language to the students.


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