Ways to Keeping Engage Students in the Classroom

What new ways teachers and educators can engage children in classrooms?

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There were both positive and negative consequences of Covid 19. The education system has changed dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, which has created an exceptional learning environment. We discovered how adaptable and flexible we are to innovative changes in the educational system. During the pandemic, we discovered how effective remote learning is in India.

Know how teachers and educators can engage students in the classroom

The pandemic caused two major shifts in education: First, there was a shift from traditional classroom teaching to digital and hybrid teaching. In modern classroom teaching, different types of strategies and channels are used such as mobile, online digital platforms, and different online teaching apps. To keep students engaged, teachers must adapt their practice and be creative.

Second, the teachers honed their technical skills and talents by dividing their time between teaching and engaging students. According to a survey conducted by Instituto Peninsula in Brazil, 83% of teachers did not consider themselves prepared to teach remotely, 67% were anxious, 38% were tired, and less than 10% were happy or satisfied.”

For example, educators designed strategies such as SMS printed handouts to assist teachers in better supporting student learning. Nowadays, digital platforms improve teacher-student engagement by providing access to content data and networks, allowing teachers to better support student learning.

Various strategies for keeping students engaged in the classroom:

1. Plan a routine together

Try to establish an age-appropriate routine in the classroom where teachers can teach through various channels such as digital platforms (online, television, radio,) playtime, and reading time. Everyday activities in the classroom should be encouraged as learning opportunities for children by their teachers. Clear expectations and consistency in your daily routines set the stage for engagement.

2. Classroom should be emotionally secure

Students should not be differentiated by their social background or level of learning. These students will struggle to complete difficult tasks. Teachers in a classroom should have certain rules, such as not putting others down or laughing at students when they make mistakes. This type of classroom creates a collaborative learning environment if the teacher is concerned about the student’s well-being.

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3. Classroom should be intellectually safe

Whenever a project or task is assigned to a student, teachers should encourage them to complete it on their own, without the assistance of another student or teacher. Teachers should begin with simple tasks and progress to more difficult ones. Teachers can gradually progress from simple to complex tasks, and in complex tasks, students can help each other and learn things in different ways.

4. Reward teamwork

Reward students for their efforts in teamwork and collaboration. Teamwork has the advantage of encouraging and reminding students to focus and meet classroom expectations.

5. Hands-on activities

Instead of a lecture, the teacher can teach concepts through discovery.

Rather than the lecture method, children are more engaged in discovery-based learning. Simply providing materials to children is insufficient; children must understand what they are learning in order to maintain attention during the listening and learning experience.

6. Small group instruction

Children who work in small groups are less likely to be disinterested. Student participation is high in small groups. Individual students can receive more attention from the instructor in a small group setting.

We can also understand the children’s individual needs very well in small group instruction. When we teach based on individual needs, the children are more engaged in learning.

To improve student engagement in the classroom the teacher should have specific routine guidelines or schedules for everyday class. The classroom should be emotionally and intellectually safe for children; teamwork, small group instruction, and hands-on activity will improve student engagement in the classroom.


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