6 Ways to Keep Students Motivated and Happy in the Schools

6 ways to keep students and teachers motivated and happy as they get back to schools

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students and teachers motivated

How do you keep students and teachers motivated as they get back to school? Positive school culture is the answer. The School Leader holds the entire onus of setting a positive culture to keep teachers and students motivated and happy at school.

What is most important is that the School Leader should think from a fresh perspective of a student and a teacher. He/she should get into their shoes to understand what their thoughts, needs and apprehensions are as they get back to school. This is how the School Leader can plan strategies that motivate and keep teachers and students happy. 

Teachers and students are unique and so are their expectations from School. So, let us look into 6 ways, respectively, to keep them motivated and happy as they get back to school.

6 ways to keep teachers motivated and happy as they get back to school

1. Welcome teachers in style

Teachers who feel appreciated and wanted are greatly motivated, happy and engaged. So as teachers get back, recognize it, roll out a red carpet, create a celebratory atmosphere, provide free meals or a gift, greet them with a smile and greeting cards, visit classrooms to deliver personal greeting notes, etc.

2. Offer praise and recognition

A bit of praise and recognition goes a long way. So, recognize your teachers’ efforts and achievements by giving specific in-the-moment praise during staff meetings or in classrooms, creating a monthly or weekly award system, sending thank you notes or emails, etc.

3. Give teachers a voice

Treat teachers like respected professionals. Include their thoughts, ideas and suggestions in decision making though it is the school leader who makes decisions. Place a suggestion box in the staff room, have open-door meetings, invite teacher representatives to board meetings, have teachers vote, etc.

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4. Evaluate current levels of engagement

This will help in getting to know the pulse of teachers in school. This can be done through surveys. The responses will collaboratively help in creating a plan moving forward. Have some questions related to teachers, working conditions, needs, quality of education at school, peer relationships, availability of professional development opportunities and resources, mental well-being, work-life balance, etc.

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5. Encourage collaboration

Collaboration among peers and collaboration with students allows teachers to explore, share and implement ideas thus contributing to the improvement of teaching and learning at school. So, consider creating professional learning communities, creating time for teachers to visit each other’s classrooms, etc.

6. Give them space

Creating space for creativity and ownership in teaching boosts their morale and confidence. There will be standards and curricula for your teachers no doubt, but give them the freedom to plan their classes using necessary skills, and give them space to prioritize their goals and interests.

Making an effort to motivate your teachers and making them happy as they get back will increase teacher retention, improve student outcomes and foster a positive school culture.

6 ways to keep students motivated and happy as they get back to schools

1. Show them you care

Caring and compassion work magic with students. Be a friend to students by identifying their problems and difficulties, and look for reasons behind their moods or behaviours. Try to empathize and provide support and solutions. Celebrate their joys and successes, be it personal or academic.

2. Offer rewards and celebrate achievements

This method gives an extra push to students to achieve their goals and creates healthy competition among themselves. Small rewards like class treats, gifts, announcements in class or assembly, etc, make every student try their best.

3. Define goals and objectives

Chaos at school and among students can be avoided with clear guidance and expectations. By being informed, students will stay motivated to complete their work on time and perform better.

4. Create a safe and friendly environment

This will help students to love their school and classrooms, and students will thrive to experiment and take up new tasks without any judgment.

5. Introduce new learning styles

This method will develop curiosity and motivation to learn lessons differently. Getting out of monotonous routines to learn differently will make them excited and happy.

6. Allow teamwork

Working in teams excites students as they get to interact and work with friends. Group projects help them engage in fun activities, solve, experiment and work together. This helps reach goals faster. 

Try these ways and before you know it everything at school will fall into its place as expected. Teachers and students will be happy and motivated to complete their work productively. A positive school culture will set in and your school will become a beautiful place.

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